2014 Postal Connections
"Yes, Of Course We Can!"
With this not-so-subtle homage to the immortalized Seinfeld "Soup Nazi" sketch, the objective was simple: Illustrate (and, yes, lampoon) the difference between inexcusably rude customer service — and the level of industry-leading courtesy and professionalism for which Postal Connections is famous.
Absurdity rules here, and while the exagerration is obvious, we still wanted to use it to underscore every Postal Connections' mission to find solutions for their customers shipping and packaging needs.
Or, to steal from the script, always "Yes, of course we can!"
And never "No ship for you!"
2003 Yamaha RX-1
“Making History”
The 2002 RX-1 marked an extremely important milestone in the snowmobile industry, as here was the first-ever, race-spec production four-stroke machine.
Yamaha, yet again, was not only making powersports history, but rewriting it as well.
2002 Yamaha YZF-R6
“YZF-R6 Rated R for Race Ready Trailer”
In this spot, we leveraged our 2002 Sportbike (YZF-R1 and here, the YZF-R6) print campaign, which featured stunning beauty shots of these all-new Supersport machines superimposed over a movie rating label.
It didn't take much for us to push the the feature film concept even further and go WFO capturing the YZF-R6's ridiculously incredible performance with this Top Gun-esque action movie trailer.
Oh … did we mention how much fun it was shooting it?
2002 Yamaha YZF-R1
“YZF-R1 Rated R for Graphic Power & Handling Trailer”
Drawing on the same concept as the 2002 YZF-R6, and once again continuing our 2002 Sportbike print campaign, we went all James Bond-meets-Jet Li shoot-'em-up with this spot, showcasing what would soon be recognized (and feared) as the baddest boy in the Supersport Literbike (1000cc) Class.
2002 Yamaha VStar Family TV
“Who Do You Love?”
Real Yamaha V Star owners gather up and grab their 30 seconds of moto fame while expressing the deepest affection for their machines and their leather-clad biker brethren.
Need they say more?
2002 Yamaha Road Star Warrior
“Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”
This spot marked the introduction of the all-new Yamaha Road Star Warrior, a 1620cc power cruiser spawned from the original 1602cc Road Star. It was also the first time we used actual Yamaha Road Star owners and had them lip-sync, in this case, to The Platters' R&B classic.
And trust us … those are tears of complete and utter joy.
2002 Yamaha Road Star
“If Loving You Is Wrong
(I Don't Want to Be Right)”
Building upon the concept we first rolled out on the Road Star Warrior, we once again issued a casting call for real Yamaha owners (no actors or models here, uh uh) to come lip-sync their love for the steel (and aluminum) horse they ride: the Yamaha Road Star.
And how better to express that love than with Luther Ingram's unforgettable torcher?
2000 Yamaha Dealer Convention / V Star Video
Up until the year 2000, a certain motorcycle maker in Milwaukee pretty much owned the V-twin Cruiser class.
Yamaha had its midsize (650cc) V Star family, which had sold well since debuting in 1998. But to truly compete with the bar-and-shield brand, we needed something big. Real big.
Enter the 2000 V Star Classic, the perfect pairing of classic American V-twin styling and 1100cc's of state-of-the-art Yamaha technology.
It was another of many shots to come across Harley's bow. And the fact that we unveiled this video, and with it the new V Star 1100 Classic itself, at the 2000 Yamaha Dealer Convention in Las Vegas made it that much better.
Thunderous applause and a standing ovation (a rarity from the dealer crowd) followed.
1998 Yamaha V Star Classic
Every kid remembers his or her first bike. Not the one with training wheels and tassels. No … the bike that was truly yours. All yours.
It's the same with motorcycles, and especially cruisers, and with this spot we drew the emotional line connecting a boy's first raked-out Sting Ray and the "bike" he's almost certainly destined to ride later: the Yamaha V Star Classic.